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时间:2020-03-05 11:05:49 | 编辑:深圳市富士恒电梯有限公司 | 浏览量:

升降货梯作为货物垂直升降的运输设备,现如今已经普及到社会生活的各个角落,使用越来越广泛,不管是建筑,土木工程,还是日常生活中安装和维修都离不开货梯的使用。     液压系统是升降货梯机械重要组成部分,液压油进入液压系统运行之时,清洁就是首要问题。应阻止脏物和其它杂质进入系统。正如你已知道的,微小粒子会擦伤阀门,卡住泵,阻塞孔口,从而造成耗费财力的修理。     维护好液压系统是关系到升降货梯机械的安全使用和长久使用的关键,如何正确掌握液压系统维护的方法呢? 如何保持液压系统清洁?

一、 液压升降货梯要保持液压油清洁

The hydraulic elevator should keep the hydraulic oil clean


Store oil in a clean place, and be careful when changing oil or refueling. The oil can only be poured from the container into the tank using a clean funnel equipped with a fine mesh filter. Of course, the oil you use must be the type recommended by the device manufacturer.


The elevator should keep the system clean


Change oil and filter regularly. Good hydraulic oil contains a variety of additives that prevent oil deterioration or block system parts. However, these additives will be ineffective over time. The oil should be replaced periodically to ensure that the additives are used. Filters can only absorb a limited amount of dirt and other impurities from oil. Replace the filter with recommended cycles to keep the system clean.


Third, the ladder should be oil and refuel regularly


Regularly releasing water and sediment in the tank is important for removing impurities in the oil, but it is also important to regularly empty the entire hydraulic system. This is the only reliable way to completely remove the impurities of the system, the hydraulic oil and other harmful substances that are oxidized. The recommended clean hydraulic oil should then be added to the system.


If the hydraulic oil of the guide elevator is completely polluted, especially when the pump is damaged, the oil in the tank must be cleaned. The oil is flowing through the oil cleaning device until the oil pollution indicator shows that the oil is in satisfactory condition.

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